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Marisa Melo

Westport, MA

Hi, my name is Marisa.

I'm a senior graphic design major at Stonehill College with a minor in digital media production. For the longest time, I've always advocated myself as an artist and storyteller, but originally graphic design wasn't part of my planning coming into college. As a matter of fact, I wasn't sure at all what I wanted to do with my life past high school. Still, I am nonetheless grateful for where I ended up.

During these last four years, I have taken the time to hone my craft for graphic design and learn what design means to me. I've made mistakes, learned from them, and used those lessons to improve my process. From November 2021 to May 2022, I interned for the nonprofit organization #ICANHELP to broaden my horizons regarding what it means to design. Some of my favorite projects include interactive, website, and package design.

What was your favorite design class?

Website Design

What is one color that represents you and what would you name it?

Amethyst Purple

Dunkin', Starbucks, or Marylou's?


What is your favorite design program?

Adobe Illustrator

What was your favorite project?

Dungeons and Demonstrations (Website Design)

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